升级前的Hot Joyshow/红提店铺外观传统,内部布局紧凑,品牌标识不够醒目,而通过我们陈列共和的升级改造后,店铺外观现代时尚,内部布局优化,空间感强,品牌标识突出,整体色调和谐,营造出高端购物氛围,与之前形成鲜明对比。并且荣获了Shop!大奖赛(大中华)-金奖!Before the upgrade, the Hot Joyshow/Red Grape store had a traditional exterior, a cramped interior layout, and a brand logo that was not eye-catching. After the renovation by our company, ChenLie GongHe (which translates to "Exhibition Republic" or "Display Republic"), the store now features a modern and fashionable appearance, an optimized interior layout that provides a strong sense of space, a prominent brand logo, and a harmonious overall color palette, creating an upscale shopping environment, which is a sharp contrast to its previous state. Additionally, it has been honored with the Gold Award at the Shop! Greater China Awards.