《品牌之道》由视觉营销专家钟晓莹老师亲自授课,汇集钟晓莹老师27年来的品牌服务经验,课程采用系统知识学习+实操落地模拟+大量成功案例分析的方式,逐个击破品牌企业在推进VMD当中遇到的困难点,帮助更多的零售人学以致用,掌握品牌建设的知识和技能,提高品牌的竞争力,实现品牌价值的最大化。"The Art of Branding" is a course personally taught by visual marketing expert Teacher Zhong Xiaoying, which gathers her 27 years of brand service experience. The course is designed with a combination of systematic knowledge learning, practical implementation simulation, and analysis of numerous successful case studies to tackle the difficulties that brand companies encounter in promoting VMD (Visual Merchandising and Display). It aims to help more retailers apply what they learn, master the knowledge and skills of brand building, enhance the competitiveness of their brands, and maximize brand value.