《轻松管理一阶》课程由11年管理实战导师欧阳中铁亲授,拆解陈列共和从 0-1,到企业市值暴增 420倍的管理体系。只讲中小企业听得懂、用得着、效果好的实战管理技巧,帮助学员现场落地方案真正做到带着问题来,带着方案回去。The course "Easy Management Level One" is personally taught by Ouyang Zhongtie, a management combat instructor with 11 years of experience. It breaks down the management system of Display Republic from 0-1, to a 420-fold increase in corporate value. The course focuses on practical management skills that small and medium-sized enterprises can understand, apply, and achieve good results. It helps students to implement solutions on the spot, truly allowing them to come with problems and return with solutions.