《陈列美学》,由陈列共和高级讲师 -- 吴璇老师主讲。她将自己17年沉淀下来的陈列实战经验,浓缩成5天4夜的精华课程内容,从理论到实践提升美感力的核心课程,手把手教学,帮助店铺打造创意空间,吸引顾客进店、留店!提高成交率和连带率。
"Display Aesthetics", taught by Wu Xuan, a senior lecturer at Display Republic. She has condensed her 17 years of accumulated practical experience in display into a five-day, four-night intensive course. This core curriculum enhances aesthetic sensibility from theory to practice, teaching hands-on to help stores create creative spaces that attract customers to enter and stay in the store, thereby increasing transaction rates and cross-selling rates.