《王牌店长特训营》是陈列共和公司精心打造的专业课程,旨在提升店长的管理综合技能,打造可复制的王牌店长体系。课程由陈列共和特聘讲师陈麒胜亲自授课,他拥有25年以上连锁零售企业终端销售管理经验,并且是美国(IAPC)认证RCC企业教练管理教练。通过本课程,学员将学习到终端标准化构建的专业知识,有效提升品牌形象、团队能力和业绩增长,同时享受VIP服务升级。The "Ace Store Manager Special Training Camp" is a professional course meticulously crafted by Display Republic, designed to enhance the comprehensive management skills of store managers and create a replicable system for ace store managers. The course is personally taught by Chen Qisheng, a specially appointed lecturer by Display Republic, who has over 25 years of experience in terminal sales management in chain retail enterprises and is a certified RCC corporate coaching management coach by the American (IAPC). Through this course, participants will acquire specialized knowledge in the construction of terminal standardization, effectively improving brand image, team capabilities, and performance growth, while also enjoying an upgrade in VIP services.