《视频号直播变现营》课程,全程高能实战,从0到1落地视频号直播的实战学习,全国少有!课程现场搭建多个真实直播间,学员可直接上货直播打造多个实景直播间,助力学员边学边落地,让视频号直播助力你提升业绩,和流量!The "Video Account Live Streaming Monetization Camp" course is a high-energy, practical experience that takes you from zero to one in implementing live streaming on Video Account, a rare offering nationwide! The course setting includes the construction of multiple real live streaming rooms, where students can directly sell products and create various live streaming scenarios. This hands-on approach allows students to learn and apply their skills simultaneously, empowering them to enhance their performance and traffic through Video Account live streaming!